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Power BI

May 08, 2022

Why would financial controllers use Power BI and CCH Tagetik?

Connecting the financial intelligence of CCH Tagetik with the visualisation capabilities of Power BI takes business analytics to the next level. Let’s look why.

why use power bi tagetik power bi

Why use Power BI?

The financial world has been running on Microsoft Excel for a long time and it is still a very powerful tool. But Power BI offers so much more.

  • Connections: Unlike Excel, it is designed specifically to connect to data from different sources. Out-of-the-box Power BI connectors can tap into sources such as an Azure data warehouse, SalesForce, Google Analytics, SQL servers and many more.
  • Powerful: As its name suggests, it is much more powerful than Excel. Power BI can comfortably handle tables with millions of records without slowing down. It can take all the data you throw at it, transform and model it, then create charts and produce reports and visualisations that can be shared across your organisation.
  • Familiar: While there is a learning curve, Power BI’s formula language will be familiar to advanced Excel users. And it also natively integrates Excel, so that users who are stuck in their ways can still analyse data in a familiar interface.


Why use CCH® Tagetik?

CCH®Tagetik is the single source of truth that financial controllers have wanted for decades. All of your key financial data in one platform, allowing you to analyse performance in a way that enables accurate, data-driven decisions.

  • Scenarios: One of the killer features of CCH®Tagetik is that it lets users build detailed models and play out what-if scenarios. Processing large amounts of complex data, it can quickly show the effect of operational changes on your financial performance. This is obviously an invaluable tool for planning and forecasting.
  • Analysis: Being asked to produce in-depth ad hoc analysis at the drop of a hat is nothing new for most financial controllers. But with CCH®Tagetik it is possible thanks to a simple drag-and-drop interface that works quickly and easily. Drilling down into the data to produce custom reports is simple and repeatable.
  • Detail:CCH®Tagetik’s in-memory data processing can work with large, granular sets of data to quickly produce actionable results. That speed gives better control over financial data and lets financial controllers produce detailed reports more often and more efficiently.


Connecting Power BI and CCH® Tagetik

Combining the capabilities of these two platforms is possible through a standard connector, but much of the power of CCH®Tagetik is not available through these solutions. Segment reporting and FSTs, for example, form the basis of your reporting structure, but are not automatically available through a standard Power BI connector.

With cpmVision all the financial intelligence from CCH®Tagetik is also available in Power BI, but still managed within CCH®Tagetik.

Customer Success Director (Co-Founder) at cpmVision

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